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FRS Pros has been serving the United States area since over a Decade, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

The “Send Me to Heaven” App May Be the Most Devious Technology Prank Ever [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_prank_app_400.jpgWhat if we asked you to throw your expensive smartphone high up into the air, just for the fun of it? You’d probably tell us to take a hike. However, thousands of phones get tossed into the air and put at great risk every day, thanks to an app designed for just such a purpose. In our opinion, this may be the greatest (and most devious) technology prank of all time.

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Not so Fast! Why Your Deleted Files May Still Be on Your Hard Drive

b2ap3_thumbnail_this_happens_to_deleted_data_400.jpgMarch 31st is World Backup Day! Just as important as having a plan in place to backup your data is having a way to recover your files. Do you have a way to restore files that get lost, corrupted, or accidentally deleted? To highlight this need, we want to explain how a deleted file can actually be recovered.

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Tip of the Week: Handy Keyboard Shortcuts and Other Google Drive Tips

b2ap3_thumbnail_google_drive_400.jpgDoes your business use Google Drive? Google Drive provides several applications that are great for getting work done in the office, similar to Microsoft Office (Want to know the differences? Be sure to contact us). With Drive, there are easy ways to leverage it to your advantage in the form of keyboard shortcuts and other tips and tricks. Here are some of our favorites.

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Where You Store Your Data Makes a Big Difference

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_storage_400.jpgBusinesses have a lot of data that they need to access on a daily basis. However, where this data is stored can have a dramatic effect on your organization’s productivity. Whether it’s stored in the cloud, locally on your in-house server, or in a safe and secure data center, you need to know where your data is stored, and what purpose it holds for your business.

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Tip of the Week: Access Windows 10 Safe Mode for PC Troubleshooting

b2ap3_thumbnail_windows_10_safe_mode_400.jpgSafe Mode has long been a troubleshooting method for Windows operating systems, but Windows 10 has done away with the classic method of booting up in Safe Mode. Instead of simply pressing F8 during Windows startup, you now have to go into your settings and manually configure your computer to do so. Here’s how it’s done.

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Researchers Investigated Internet-Connected Surveillance Cameras, What They Found is Unbelievable

b2ap3_thumbnail_internet_of_things_presents_risk_400.jpgThere’s a reason why IT professionals think that the Internet of things is a major security discrepancy. Around 5.5 million new devices are being connected to the Internet every day, and are giving security experts a run for their money. The Internet of Things and its devices could potentially become a security hazard for businesses that aren’t prepared to protect their assets from hacks.

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Adopt These 3 IT Concepts to Ensure Future Success

b2ap3_thumbnail_future_of_it_400.jpgBy its nature, technology is always changing, evolving, and moving forward. Organizations that understand this and plan for these changes end up making the most out of their technology. Those that don’t, get left behind. Here are three ways to make sure that your company’s technology will best serve your future needs.

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Tip of the Week: Use This Chrome Extension to Automatically Refresh Your Browser

b2ap3_thumbnail_refresh_of_browser_400.jpgHave you ever been glued to the computer monitor while compulsively hitting your browser’s refresh button? You might have done this while waiting for an online sale to drop, or while waiting for someone to respond in an online forum to your witty comment. Did you know that you can set your Google Chrome browser to refresh itself automatically?

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How to Make Your Network Ideal for Telecommuters and Remote Workers

b2ap3_thumbnail_mobile_friendly_network_400.jpgMany businesses see the value in allowing their team to work remotely, which sounds great on paper. Workers don’t have to be at the office to get work done, so long as they have an Internet connection. Most important of all, though, is how much money a business can save by allowing its workers to work remotely. Thus, the primary objective should be to make it as easy as possible for remote workers to perform their jobs.

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New Technology From LG Lets You See What a Bowling Ball Sees [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_lg_rolling_security_400.jpgNew consumer technology holds a special place in many users’ hearts. In particular, the LG Rolling Bot looks like it will be a nifty little device to leave either in your office or at home. Basically, it’s a rolling security camera that can be controlled remotely through a smartphone.

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Tip of the Week: 2 Ways to Minimize Your Business’s Environmental Impact

b2ap3_thumbnail_green_tech_ideas_400.jpgTechnology is a wondrous thing, allowing your business to achieve greatness and change the way you approach business. However, it has also brought about an extremely wasteful society that tosses old technology aside in favor of the latest and greatest devices. This is a habit that society has yet to break, but it’s not too late to do the right thing and commit your business to environmentally-friendly practices.

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If a Self-Driving Car Gets Into an Accident, Who’s at Fault? [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_auto_car_400.jpgThe world might not see legitimate artificial intelligence for quite some time, but that doesn’t mean developers aren’t taking baby steps in the right direction. A current example of this is Google and its automated vehicles. If Google is capable of successfully making a self-driving car that’s aware of its surroundings, we might see them on the roads as early as 2020.

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The Majority of PC Flaws Can Be Prevented By Using Proper Administrator Privileges

b2ap3_thumbnail_admin_for_windows_account_400.jpgAdministrator privileges. It’s not a flashy IT-related topic that gets reported on a whole lot. Due to the critical role it plays in protecting your network, administrator privileges should be front and center with every company’s network security plan. Especially since a recent study was published relating the majority of Windows operating flaws to mismanaged administrator privileges.

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Tip of the Week: To Upgrade, or Not to Upgrade, Here are the 5 Questions

b2ap3_thumbnail_upgrading_tech_400.jpgYour business needs technology to function properly, but it can be unpredictable and challenging to manage. The slightest discrepancy, like an unexpected hardware failure or software hiccup, can throw off your business’s IT budget and potentially cause disastrous downtime. This doesn’t mean that upgrading your hardware and software has to be hard, though.

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6 Months Later, Windows 10 is Being Tested By 2x as Many Businesses as Windows 8

b2ap3_thumbnail_windows_10_data_400.jpgThe most recent edition to the Windows family of operating systems, Windows 10, offers several new features that appeal to business owners. Yet, many businesses are still skeptical about adopting it for their entire infrastructure. Still, there’s good news abound for Microsoft’s OS, as compared to the unpopular Windows 8, Windows 10 is being tested on twice as many computers following its release date.

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4 Great Ways Your Business Can Use Cloud Computing in 2016

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_computing_400.jpgThe cloud might be a great new data storage resource for SMBs to get more done during the workday, but it’s far more than that. Uses for the cloud are constantly evolving to adapt to a shifting online environment, and it’s now an indispensable tool for the serious modern business. The cloud is changing the way businesses handle their data and information, but it can do so much more.

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Tip of the Week: Use Google Chromecast for These 5 Functions

b2ap3_thumbnail_chromecast_icon_400.jpgThe Google Chromecast is a great device that makes displaying media on different screens easier than ever before. Gone are the days of running AV wires through walls and ceilings. Now you can easily transmit your media over your WiFi network with the push of a button. Google refers to this wireless process as “Chromecasting,” and once you’ve “casted,” it’s hard to imagine life without it (a quality for which Google excels at replicating).

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5 Ways to Put Your Staff Ahead of Frivolous Office Expenses

b2ap3_thumbnail_cut_your_costs_400.jpgEvery business wants to be like Google and provide employees with a dynamic place to work, filled with amenities. It would probably be a dream come true for your organization to sit next to Google on Glassdoor’s annual list of “50 Best Places to Work.” Reality check: you’re not Google, as you’re reminded of this every time you attempt to balance your company’s budget.

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5 Tips to Minimize the Risk Associated With Mobile Devices

b2ap3_thumbnail_byod_mobile_400.jpgHow many of your employees have a smartphone? The answer is probably most (if not all) of them. In the United States alone, nearly two-thirds of adults own a smartphone, and many of them depend on the device to do much of their personal computing. As a result, many workers, even if they are instructed not to, will use their devices while at your office. This is why many companies have put in place a comprehensive Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategy.

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Tip of the Week: Master the GIF and Rule the Internet

b2ap3_thumbnail_make_animated_gifs_400.jpgUsing GIFs in your digital communications is a great way to enhance them. A GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is an image that loops a few seconds worth of animation and it’s a great way to grab someone's attention. If you don’t know how to make a GIF, then we’ll show you how in this week’s tip!

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