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FRS Pros Blog

FRS Pros has been serving the United States area since over a Decade, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

3 Advantages to Hosting Your Own Phone System In-House

3 Advantages to Hosting Your Own Phone System In-House

A lot has been said about communications solutions, particularly in regard to the advantages and disadvantages of hosted and in-house telephony infrastructures. While businesses find that a cloud-hosted VoIP phone system is very convenient, there are others who believe that an on-site telephony infrastructure presents a certain value.

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Tip of the Week: 5 Best Security Practices Hackers Hate

Tip of the Week: 5 Best Security Practices Hackers Hate

Hackers are always trying to come up with new ways to steal or corrupt sensitive data. If you don’t take the opportunity to protect your systems, you could be staring down a major data loss incident or security discrepancy. Here are five ways that you can protect your business’s infrastructure from hackers waiting to steal your data.

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What is the 10,000 Hour Rule, and Does it Work?

What is the 10,000 Hour Rule, and Does it Work?

A business owner is always looking to improve their skills and learn about new ones. It’s natural to want to learn new things, even if you’re already an expert in your own field. The 10,000 hour rule offers a few guidelines to help you learn a new craft, but it’s not as easy as consistent practice. You might be in for a long journey toward “expert status.”

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eBay Revamps Security Protocols. Should Your Business Follow Suit?

eBay Revamps Security Protocols. Should Your Business Follow Suit?

As technology advances and allows for common pain points to be corrected, many of today’s most well-known entities will adopt new solutions to ease the experience of their customers and clients. Take, for example, eBay. The famous reselling site has been taking steps to install an assortment of new features to improve its customers’ experience.

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Tip of the Week: Make Your Workplace More Flexible With These 4 Technologies

Tip of the Week: Make Your Workplace More Flexible With These 4 Technologies

There’s no denying that flexibility is important. While technology makes it easier than ever before to communicate and work anytime, anywhere, employees should be encouraged to use this flexibility to their advantage. Yet, it’s often quite easy to fall victim to the many pitfalls of flexibility, which is why it’s so important to invest in solutions designed to maximize productivity.

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Why Hackers Want You to Vote in the Upcoming Election

Why Hackers Want You to Vote in the Upcoming Election

Tomorrow is the big day--the day when the American people cast their votes for the next President of the United States. While there may still be a few undecided voters out there, something that they may not be considering includes the machines that they will be using to cast their ballots. It turns out that there may be a major problem with some voting systems in the form of weak cyber security.

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Don’t Let Hollywood Fool You Into Thinking Hackers are the Good Guys

Don’t Let Hollywood Fool You Into Thinking Hackers are the Good Guys

There’s no question about it; hackers make things difficult for businesses of all industries and sizes. They go out of their way to steal data and turn a profit off of it, as well as misrepresent organizations and individuals. The business environment is chaotic enough without hackers mucking everything up. However, the recent hacking attacks behind the group Anonymous have evolved the persona of the typical hacker into something very different.

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Tip of the Week: 2 Free Tools that Will Read Documents and Web Pages to You

Tip of the Week: 2 Free Tools that Will Read Documents and Web Pages to You

These days, who has time to read? For busy business owners, reading is a luxury. This is what makes audiobooks such a valuable tool. They allow busy people to consume information while accomplishing a mindless task like cleaning the house. While this arrangement works wonders for titles found on, what about the documents you must read that haven’t been made into an audiobook?

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This Halloween, Remember to Check Your Kids’ Mobile Devices for Ransomware

This Halloween, Remember to Check Your Kids’ Mobile Devices for Ransomware

Halloween is a time when we celebrate what scares us, like ghosts, goblins, ghouls, and the like. For adults, the holiday becomes more lighthearted with each passing year, due to the understanding that such monsters are fictional. Yet, there exists real monsters who know how to play on people’s fears, namely, hackers.

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3 Common Threats You Need to Know About: Malware, Rootkits, and Trojans

3 Common Threats You Need to Know About: Malware, Rootkits, and Trojans

Security is one of the most important parts of running a business, especially today when organizations rely so heavily on their technology solutions. Some of the most dangerous threats lurk on a business’s network, watching and waiting for an opportunity to do some real damage. With the right preventative measures, your business can catch these threats in the act before they can accomplish their goals.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Exercises to Offset the Pain of Working From a Desk

Tip of the Week: 3 Exercises to Offset the Pain of Working From a Desk

Welp, we’re all doomed. It turns out that sitting all day at your desk is one of the worst things you can do for your health. Alternatively, numerous studies have shown the health benefits of trading your traditional desk in for a standing desk. One study even goes so far as to claim that standing at work is the best anti-aging technique you can do!

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3 Instant Benefits You’ll Experience When Moving to the Cloud

3 Instant Benefits You’ll Experience When Moving to the Cloud

If your business is still on the fence about the cloud, you should make up your mind soon. The cloud is an investment that can help your business improve operations, cut costs, and boost productivity. It’s inevitable that most businesses will use the cloud, so it’s not a question of if, but when. Why not take this opportunity to get a head start on your competition with a cloud computing solution?

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3 Major Pain Points Alleviated By a VoIP Phone System

3 Major Pain Points Alleviated By a VoIP Phone System

Software-based phone systems are an increasingly popular trend in the workplace. Businesses have found that traditional phone systems, while helpful under certain situations, are somewhat antiquated compared to Voice over Internet Protocol. VoIP is exceptionally potent for saving money on unnecessary costs and improving efficiency. However, the question remains: is VoIP right for your business?

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Tip of the Week: Why You Should Think Twice Before Connecting to Public Wi-Fi

Tip of the Week: Why You Should Think Twice Before Connecting to Public Wi-Fi

Wireless Internet signals, referred to most commonly as Wi-Fi, are commonplace in every office. Even organizations that don’t often need access to the Internet, like restaurants and coffee shops, have wireless connections available for customers to use. However, just because you can connect to free Wi-Fi, doesn’t necessarily mean that you should.

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Microsoft Office 365 vs. Microsoft Office Suite: Which is Right for Your Business?

Microsoft Office 365 vs. Microsoft Office Suite: Which is Right for Your Business?

Regardless of what type of organization you run, there is always a need for a word processor, spreadsheet software, and email solution. You might already take advantage of Microsoft Office, but do you take advantage of the subscription service (Office 365), or do you purchase the software licenses outright?

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Shhhh! Library of Congress Hacked

Shhhh! Library of Congress Hacked

Not since the British burned the Library of Congress to the ground in the War of 1812 has there been a more devastating attack on the famous library. Only this time, the recent attack was of the digital variety and King George III had nothing to do with it.

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Google Throws Down the Gauntlet for Hackers to Breach Their New Phone

Google Throws Down the Gauntlet for Hackers to Breach Their New Phone

There are many ways to fund a project, but one of the more interesting ways to do so in today’s web-centric culture is through crowdfunding. It’s been so effective that even major companies like Google are using it to their advantage. Google’s latest project encourages users to hack into the Nexus line of mobile devices to collect potential vulnerabilities, with the promise of prizes for those who are successful.

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Tip of the Week: 4 Odd Productivity Tips from Successful People

Tip of the Week: 4 Odd Productivity Tips from Successful People

Having a workflow that works for you is the key to being successful. Sometimes, finding such a routine requires taking some rather extraordinary measures. If you’re looking for ways to tweak your workflow to be more productive, then consider these outside-the-box productivity tips from some of history’s very successful people.

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Tip of the Week: ClipDiary is Like an Undo Button for Your PC’s Clipboard

Tip of the Week: ClipDiary is Like an Undo Button for Your PC’s Clipboard

Woops! Have you ever made the mistake of accidentally copying over content on your PC’s clipboard that you were planning on using? How do you go back and retrieve the old, copied-over content? Unless you already have a third-party tool installed, you’re probably out of luck.

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Here’s the Most Efficient Way to Backup Your Data

Here’s the Most Efficient Way to Backup Your Data

Is your business still using tape as its primary method of data backup? If so, you could be missing out on a more reliable, less time-consuming alternative. Image-based, or “snapshot” backup solutions continue to be the optimal way to guarantee the continuity of your organization’s data infrastructure, and we’ll explain why.

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