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FRS Pros Blog

FRS Pros has been serving the United States area since over a Decade, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Smart Devices Can Become a Security Problem

Smart Devices Can Become a Security Problem

Smart devices and Internet-of-Things devices in general have taken the world by storm, and a home without at least a handful of smart devices is quite rare to find these days. However, smart devices—or devices that connect to the Internet to perform various functions—must be approached with a certain level of caution.

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How Our Team Helps Protect Christmas from Krampus

How Our Team Helps Protect Christmas from Krampus

The holiday season has a variety of famous key players, including the likes of Santa, Rudolph, and the rest of the North Pole crew. Each year, they use their magic to help spread goodwill and joy to all the nice children of the world… but did you know that they are also responsible for protecting those who make the naughty list from Santa’s villainous counterpart, Krampus?

As the official managed service provider for Santa’s operation, we have been cleared to share the story about how we’ve helped defy Krampus to save Christmas.

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ALERT: Log4j is the Most Dangerous Vulnerability in Recent History and Your Business Needs to Act NOW

ALERT: Log4j is the Most Dangerous Vulnerability in Recent History and Your Business Needs to Act NOW

A vulnerability was recently discovered that is effectively guaranteed to impact all computer users, from private users to businesses. While this situation will take some time to resolve fully, we want to make sure you know everything that needs to be done to protect yourself from Log4j.

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Twitch Creator Information Exposed After Hack

Twitch Creator Information Exposed After Hack

Twitch, Amazon’s popular streaming service where gamers and content creators broadcast to wide audiences, recently suffered a data breach. Thanks to this data breach, folks on the Internet now know just how much these content creators make, and it has exposed a whole new issue that Amazon must resolve.

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Windows Suffering from MSHTML Exploit

Windows Suffering from MSHTML Exploit

A vulnerability in Microsoft’s MSHTML browser engine has been discovered and tracked by Kaspersky. It is being exploited all over the world right now. How can you avoid this vulnerability so that it doesn’t affect your business? Let’s find out.

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Learning Telltale Signs of a Phishing Email Can Save Your Business

Learning Telltale Signs of a Phishing Email Can Save Your Business

Phishing is one of those threats that has been around for a long time, and as time passes by, these threats only become more difficult to identify. Some businesses can’t tell the difference between phishing scams and actual emails. Here’s how your company can take steps toward properly identifying and responding to phishing emails.

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The Most Popular Subject Lines for Phishing Threats are Revealing

The Most Popular Subject Lines for Phishing Threats are Revealing

Even the most cautious employee could fall victim to a well-placed and well-timed phishing email. What are some factors that contribute to the success of these attacks, and what subject lines in particular should people be cautious about? A recent study takes a look at what goes into a successful phishing attack, and you might be surprised by the results.

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Cybersecurity Helps Keep Your Law Firm’s Data from Being Distributed Pro Bono

Cybersecurity Helps Keep Your Law Firm’s Data from Being Distributed Pro Bono

It can be too easy to overlook the importance of technology and its security, particularly in industries that are deeply steeped in tradition, regardless of how crucial that security may seem when actually considered. Just consider the modern law firm, where technology, data, and the security of such is paramount.

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Tip of the Week: Examining NIST’s Definition of Zero Trust

Tip of the Week: Examining NIST’s Definition of Zero Trust

Let me ask you something: how many people do you fundamentally trust? Well, in a zero trust network, that number is reduced to zero. The idea of such a network is that everyone, whether they’re operating inside of the network or out, needs to be verified… and as you might imagine, it has proven effective in preventing data breaches. 

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Is Your Web Browser Secure?

Is Your Web Browser Secure?

The Internet browser is easily one of the most-used applications in this day of cloud-hosted resources and online content… but for all that use, is it also one of the most-secured applications? In some ways, yes… but there’s always a few extra steps that can help you improve your protections.

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Could Voice Authentication Join the Ranks of MFA?

Could Voice Authentication Join the Ranks of MFA?

Authentication has been a major talking point for the past few years, particularly as the value of data has only increased and security has correspondingly increased in importance. As a result, more secure and reliable means of identity verification have also become more critical. Now, voice authentication is being considered as such a means.

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Is the VPN My Office Uses a Public VPN?

Is the VPN My Office Uses a Public VPN?

Virtual private networking, while maybe not the most familiar term to everyone, at least seems to be pretty straightforward. Such a specific-sounding term must apply to one aspect of technology and that one aspect alone, right?

Well, kind of, sort of, not really. In actuality, there are two kinds of VPN. Let’s go over what makes them different, and which your business should utilize.

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Looking at FoggyWeb to Better Understand Malware Attacks

Looking at FoggyWeb to Better Understand Malware Attacks

The cyberattack on SolarWinds was devastating for many reasons, and Microsoft has officially uncovered yet another type of malware used in the attack on the software provider. This time, it is a backdoor threat they have named FoggyWeb. What does this threat do and why is it so important to look at this incident even now?

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3 Reasons to Consider a Private Cloud Solution

3 Reasons to Consider a Private Cloud Solution

The cloud is a great opportunity for businesses to increase accessibility of data and enhance productivity, especially while remote, but for those who do not know how to approach it, the cloud can be intimidating. Today, we are going to make the case for a private cloud solution and why you should consider it as a viable option for your business, even if it does not seem like it at the moment. You might be surprised by what you learn!

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Tip of the Week: 3 Ways to Emulate Enterprise Networks

Tip of the Week: 3 Ways to Emulate Enterprise Networks

The major difference between an enterprise and a small or medium-sized business is just its size. As a result, many of the tools that the enterprise takes advantage of can easily be used by their smaller counterparts. Let’s review just a few of these processes and technologies.

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What Can (and Can’t) a VPN Do for Your Business?

What Can (and Can’t) a VPN Do for Your Business?

A virtual private network, or VPN, is a critical part of keeping your business safe while operations are taking place out of the office, but a discussion needs to be had about what a VPN can do and what a VPN cannot do. This is especially important to know for keeping your company safe, so without further ado, let’s dive in.

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Getting Acquainted with Windows Hello

Getting Acquainted with Windows Hello

As time has passed, more focus has been put on balancing a user’s identity authentication in terms of its convenience versus its security. This is what has led to the development of solutions like Windows Hello, the biometrics-based system that Microsoft has introduced into the Windows operating system.

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Could Your IT Repair Itself After a Cyberattack?

Could Your IT Repair Itself After a Cyberattack?

Cybersecurity is a massively important consideration for today’s businesses, and as a result, managing it is often given a considerable amount of time. However, recent developments suggest that this time can potentially be reduced by the use of “self-healing” security software. We know that this sounds a little out there, but stay with us! We’ll explain.

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New Developments in Ransomware are Potentially Devastating

New Developments in Ransomware are Potentially Devastating

While it only makes sense to assume that a cybercriminal would focus specifically on those targets that would bring them the greatest profit—in other words, larger businesses—the reality of modern cybercrime renders this assumption grossly outdated. Let’s examine how different developments in ransomware have made it possible for cybercriminals to be far less discerning in who they target.

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Cybersecurity Tools Now Delivering Ransomware

Cybersecurity Tools Now Delivering Ransomware

Another ransomware threat is out and about, this time targeting unpatched and end-of-life products in SonicWall’s Secure Mobile Access (SMA) 100 series and Secure Remote Access (SRA) products. To make things worse, the threat is currently being used, so businesses utilizing these devices must take action now to limit how much damage this ransomware can do.

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